Where teams connect to appreciate the best collaboration moments, celebrate achievements and say thank you.
Recognize the efforts and dedication of your teammates and bring them together.
Highlight the moments that matter most to your peers and show how much you enjoy working with them.
Keep the daily collaboration moments in the spotlight and celebrate even the smallest wins with your peers. Bring fun and positive experiences into your everyday work life.
Let your peers know they are valued and their efforts are noticed. Bring the best in them and help them achieve new milestones.
Appreciation goes a long way no matter the distance.
Create a workspace for you and your peers, invite your teammates and let the celebration begin.
Start sending carrots to your peers as a thank you for the hard work, dedication and commitment.
Public Shout-Out
Someone has come up with a creative solution or was a great help in achieving the business goals? Share publicly and let the professional community know about these daily small or big achievements.
Lucky Carrot App is a great asset to our company. All our team loves to provide feedback within the app, which not only creates great bonding between the team but also allows the management to understand the dynamics within the team. In a time of remote working, I see the importance to keep the good spirit. And it’s also fun to work with it!
Lucky Carrot is a space for our employees to have a voice which helps us gather feedback about various processes. It helps me a lot to track the well-being of teams via analytics which provides me with valuable and trustful picture about further transformations of processes.
Lucky Carrot has been a great initiative for our company as employees have been able to provide authentic peer-to-peer recognition by highlighting their accomplishments and hard work. Lucky Carrot has empowered our employees to utilize our company core values and promote a positive culture of uplifting one another. Being an HR professional, emphasizing a positive work culture is crucial, and Lucky Carrot has been the tool to help us promote that.